Identify all OVC in target Community.

1 month
100 0VC identified.
Register all OVC identified.

100 OVC registered.
Purchase and distribute educational materials to enhance school attendance.

1 month
Educational materials supplied to 100 OVC.
Distribute nutritional supplements to 100 OVC quarterly to improve their ration.

Quarters 1,2,3 and 4
Rice, beans vegetable oil distributed to 100 OVC.
Undertake home visits to 100 OVC.

1-12 months
Home visits undertaken for 100 OVC.
Organise socialization meetings which will give the OVC the opportunity to
interact with their peers.

Months 2 and 4
Entertainment organized for beneficiaries bi-annually.
Organise capacity building workshop for OVC Care Givers.

1 month
Number of OVC Care Givers receiving capacity building training.
Organise review meetings to assess performance

Quarters 1,2,3 and 4
Number of meetings held,
Number of participants who attended the meeting.